E. Enriquez
Counseling & Coaching, LLC
“Don’t dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
– Buddha
Thank you for contacting me. I will respond as soon as I am able or within approximately 2 business days. If tyou are experiencing a crisis, please call or text 988.
It does not matter how slow you go as long as long as you don't stop.
- Confucius
The first step to understanding a person's unique needs is through empathetic listening. Whether an individual is experiencing difficulties related to stress, interpersonal relationships, significant life changes, or workplace conflict, my role is to empower others to reflect, learn, and grow through non-judgmental acceptance and compassionate self-accountability.
Individual goals may include becoming mindful of negative behaviors, reframing distorted thinking patterns, coping with difficult life transitions, and achieving more life-work balance. Group goals may focus on improving communication, building trust, and creating agreement.
I strive to be:
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It's good to be discerning when finding the right fit in any working relationship. To learn more about how I might help you or your organization, schedule a free 15-minute confidential consultation.